What can you do for me:
Find Maxwell Cooter and buy him a beer. A real beer - A lager, not that sheep's
piss in a keg he calls real ale. This is all I ask of you. You could also buy
any of the old Network Week Team (before VNU bought them out and shut them down)
a beer too, which would be nice as well. And don't buy Jane Oliver any spirits - That's
just a mistake.
14 Mar 2001 Update. Was writing for a place called bugblatter.org for my mate Maxwell, who you should have all bought a beer for by now. That closed down, and so the eight articles I wrote for them (called "Ruthless Tech Professionals") will probably be posted here some day, demand requiring. Plan9.org has just just just released the collected works to the year 2000. See them at www.plan9.org. Still writing for The Register, and was briefly reposted in PCPlus Mag, but that's ended now due to budgetary constraints. No harm, no foul.
6 Mar 2000 Tee-shirts are available from The Register.
12 Jan 2000 Submitted my first article to the register today. And not a Y2k bug in evidence. Talk about storm in a teacup. JUST as I predicted, there were NO (that's ZERO) problems at my site. Not endkdf k##xff fklf*k! Axxxxxxx`x`f! dxxf``x`` ``xxd' d*vxxfv`' _d_xxf1`.
21 Dec 1999 Look for me writing at www.theregister.co.uk , from Jan2K and for my archives at bofh.ntk.net. Thanks to James Cronin, et al at ntk.net for the hosting offer. Bonza.
Righto! So, to recap: look both ways before crossing the street, and remember that Red, Yellow and Blue are often used to denote a PHASE wire.
- Simon